Making a difference isn’t easy - but with your help, it can be.

Dare 2 Dream works hard to make a positive impact in the lives of children, but equine therapy comes with some unique funding challenges. Horses are vital to what we do, but each horse is also a massive expense - it costs on average about R5500 (US$300) per horse per month to keep them stabled, equipped and cared for when mandatory or emergency medical interventions are required.

But with your help - either via a once-off donation or a monthly contribution - you’ll remove this burden and allow us to expand the program even further. More engaging activities, providing transportation for children’s homes and organisations that can’t afford it, reaching more distant communities - we can do so much more with your support.

Monthly Contributions

Monthly donations help alleviate the burden of monthly operating costs and provide a reliable source of funding on which Dare 2 Dream can rely, giving the program the ability to plan in advance, explore new opportunities to enrich our participants lives and direct event and sponsorship funding where it’s needed most. In addition, corporate sponsors will receive personal acknowledgement on our site if desired, subject to approval.


Every journey worth taking starts with a single step, and that’s exactly what you’ve done - we’re glad you’re here with us and contributing whatever you can.


You’ve just helped keep one our horses shoed! Farrier’s are vital for horses’ health, ensuring they’re properly equipped for the program and offering corrective measures for horses with special shoeing needs.


Veterinary bills, a trip to the dentist, pest control for the group - you’ve taken on the role of ensuring one of our horses is healthy, getting all their necessary shots, and is properly cared for.


In addition to covering the costs mentioned in our Silver Tier, you’re helping us keep our equipment well-maintained and providing necessary protective wear for the children and our staff.


You’re making a massive contribution to the stabling and feeding costs, a significant portion of our expenses. With enough support, we can further expand the program and reach even more children. Thank you so much!

Give a once-off gift

If you’d rather make a single contribution or lump sum, then please use the donation buttons below. We appreciate every donation!

FAQs - Sponsorship

  • Currently, we are focused on covering the cost of the program (COVID resulted in a significant decline of program activity and funding). We have been fortunate to work with several individuals over the past few years; the volunteers have mostly been funding this portion, but with your help we can not only ensure that this burden is removed, but subsequently consider new activities, and restart some of the work with the major children's organisations and consider new aspects to the program.

  • As a South African non-profit, your donation is tax-deductible. Our NPO number is 039940NPO. Unfortunately, we lack the legal expertise to know whether the same laws and tax benefits apply in all other countries. Please consult with your local tax authority on the requirements - if necessary, we will provide any information required.

  • Horses, while beautiful creatures and extremely suited to the work we provide, are expensive to maintain. Below is a breakdown of everything required for a horse to be well-kept and looked after:

    * Stabling & Grooming

    * Concentrates — Royal feed 12% Rider Meal

    * Teff/Erogrostis

    * Farrier services

    * Dental, vaccinations, de-wormer, dietary supplements

    * Consumables - fly spray, hoof oil, minor wound ointments

    * Equipment - fly fringes, halters, lead reins, saddles, neck straps

    * Exercise consumables for the program, lunge equipment

    * Transportation and fuel when required.

    This is purely on the horses alone - things like protective gear for the kids and participants, emergency costs such as unexpected medical treatment and other sundries all add to the cost, but keeping the horse in a suitable environment is by far our largest expense.

  • The corporate teambuilding was created to try and help fund the program's main purpose, which is supporting and helping children from disadvantaged circumstances or with unique psychological and emotional needs.All proceeds go directly into the program's funds.

  • Please check out our "Getting Involved" page - we would love for you to participate more actively in the program! We value input and guidance from professionals and experts in the realm of therapy and animal management, so if you're willing to donate your time and expertise, we'd really appreciate it.

    Donation of equipment and goods can also go a long way - old riding equipment, protective gear, fencing / poles, or consumables like fly spray, etc go a long way.

  • Our YOCO payment portal accepts credit cards (VISA & Mastercard) but is only used in South Africa, and while it will work with most credit cards, it is not well-known internationally. We have set up a PayPal portal for our international donors which is also a quick, easy & secure payment method

  • Yes, it's possible to cancel the monthly subscription at any time. you will find this under your ‘Payments” tab (Manage Automatic Payments)

  • No you don’t need a PayPal account to activate monthly sponsorship. You will simply checkout using a credit/debit card using the same link.

FAQs - Program

  • The benefit to your child would depend on why the child is doing therapy. (This would be learning to trust again, confidence, self esteem and various other benefits.). If it is for previous trauma as in abuse, neglect, etc. The horses they choose to work with gives us an idea what is going on with the child and what that child needs.

  • Equine assisted therapy can help children with autism, ADDHD, the effects of sexual and physical abuse, and bullying. Therapy will assist as there is no judgement. Everything the horses do with the children is done from a safe space and by the energy of the horse and child, and the safe supervision of our adult volunnteers.

  • It all starts by the children meeting the Healing Herd. Once they have chosen the horse they want to work with (which tells us a lot about the child in itself), they start grooming their horses which grounds the child and helps them become relaxed. The next step would be to teach them to lead the horses from the ground. Following this, once they are comfortable with that process, they get to get on the horse. They’ll ride the horse bareback and with only a halter and lead reins.

  • No, teens and adults often have suffered the same problems as children. Often it is a circle that turns through the families - they were abused or neglected by their families so they grow up thinking it’s normal.

  • It depends entirely on each individual. In some of the children you can see a change after 2 or 3 sessions, but others take a lot longer depending on the trauma.

Our Sponsors

Private Sponsors:

  • Anthony Welthagen (Long time sponsor)

  • Peter Hidden

  • Alison Rubie

  • Meschell Phillips

  • Marcia Guest McGrath

  • Julie Guest

  • Rickus Groenewald

  • Rita Singh

  • Lauren Manly

  • Ian & Kelly Guest

  • Rick De Klerk

  • Donald Weir

Corporate Sponsors: